Pilates Therapy - Integration Day - The Garuda Studio

Pilates Therapy – Integration Day with James D'Silva

Date: 20 May 2018 - 20 May 2018

Course: Pilates Therapy – Integration Day

Venue: The Garuda Studio

Price: £160.

For further details email: info@pilatestherapy.co.uk

Status: Spaces available


Integration Day

(for those completing all our courses to work towards qualifying as a PilatesTherapist)  A day to put all your skills into practice evaluating and working together screening, assessing and creating programs for clients to build your confidence integrating new skills to use alongside your Pilates expertise. This day also presents an opportunity to trouble shoot, brainstorm and revisit any of the material covered during the one day courses.



By taking a well-trained Pilates Teacher and combining this talent with the ability to utilise objective screening, manual skills and other techniques when working with their clients, we create a special recipe for helping resolve issues when working with their clients.

The combination of good quality movement (Pilates) along with application of manual techniques (Therapy) can contribute to resolving dysfunctional movements and in changing dysfunctional movement patterns that may result in injuries.

Pilates Therapy 
  • Our one day courses teach you skills which can be integrated straight away into the Pilates sessions you teach.
  • Everything we teaches done with a view to facilitating a freer movement experience and to encourage optimal movement patterns for your clients.
  • One day courses can be taken as stand alone CPD days or take all 9 (discounted) to work towards qualifying as a Level One Pilates Therapist (see below)
  • Pre-course review paper is an insurance requirement for all attendees – its not a pass fail, so don’t let it put you off!

*Become a Pilates Therapist (includes all courses plus Integration day) for £1200 or £220 monthly for 6 months.


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“Garuda combines the intelligence of Feldenkrais with the energy of Pilates and Yoga. Garuda is just that for me! It’s clever and has a lovely energy. It feels delicious.”Katharina Hesse