Garuda Matwork & Garuda Apparatus Foundation - The Garuda Studio

Garuda Matwork & Garuda Apparatus Foundation with James D'Silva

Date: 5 Feb 2015 - 10 Feb 2015

Course: Garuda Matwork & Garuda Apparatus Foundation

Venue: Edmonton studio

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

Garuda’s results are striking. Increased strength, flexibility, co-ordination and endurance, with a greater sense of ease and well-being. Join us for our teacher training drawing deeply on mental focus, and teaching the sacred principle of relaxation within movement.

Garuda Matwork Foundation

Garuda Foundation Matwork is a Pilates-based system that builds gradually from the micro to the macro. Here movements start first by isolating individual muscles, then move on to the myofascial lines they belong to. This gradual formulaic approach makes it especially effective for people with dysfunction or imbalances.

Time: 9am -1pm

Garuda Apparatus Foundation

A complete movement repertoire, including the very latest material developed for the revolutionary Garuda apparatus. The Garuda Apparatus is unique in its versatility, flexibility and precision of movement. The Foundation syllabus provides a new and improved way to isolate muscle groups and break down motions into targeted moves.

Time: 2:30pm – 6:30pm


For more information please contact :

Erin Baker :

Request Application Details

“Thank you so much for this wonderful offering - I was a bit unsure how online training would go (I'm very much a kinaesthetic learner) but it was fabulous and exceeded my expectations.”Lorissa Gilmore