Garuda Mala (Resistance Bands) - The Garuda Studio

Garuda Mala (Resistance Bands) with James D'Silva

Date: 10 Nov 2018 - 11 Nov 2018

Course: Garuda Mala (Resistance Bands)

Venue: Garuda Italia c/o Ayama A.s.d

Qualification: 12 PMA credits

Price: 540 + VAT €

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

Band work on Mala have become an integral tributary of the Garuda repertoire. The bands are used for resistance, defining spirals and creating space and length out of movement. They especially work on a coil and recoil action. Thus, defining the different plains and possibilities of movement. This revolutionary workout is challenging to both the novice and the advanced practitioner.

Yet again Garuda soars in its innovation.

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“James is the only person in the entire world whom I would take any form of teacher training with, and I have known this for years!”Karen Rose