COVID-19 Update | Garuda Studio

July 23, 2020


Our commitment to your safety

Keeping you safe is our priority at Garuda and we will continue to adapt our measures to remain in line with government guidelines.

Studio cleaning

  • We will be cleaning the studio with medical-grade disinfectant
  • The studio will be deep cleaned daily
  • In-between classes trainers will be disinfecting common surfaces & equipment
  • Before and after your class we ask that you wipe down all equipment with our disinfectant wipes
  • We have automatic hand sanitisers strategically placed throughout the studio

Air ventilation

  • We will have fresh airflow throughout the studio via our outdoor and window access

Everyone’s safety

  • If you begin to feel unwell during class, we ask you to inform your trainer and leave the studio immediately.
  • If you have been tested positive for COVID-19 or knowingly been in contact with someone who has tested positive we ask that you do not enter the studio for 14 days or until you’ve tested negative for COVID-19.
  • Your safety and our trainer’s safety is our utmost priority, please help us maintain our high standards.


“James is such an enlightened teacher.  I loved the course and hearing his constant words of wisdom.”Sharon Aloni