Centre ~ Off ~ Centre - The Garuda Studio

Centre ~ Off ~ Centre with James D'Silva

Date: 29 Sep 2018 - 30 Sep 2018

Course: Centre ~ Off ~ Centre

Venue: Crowne Plaza London Docklands

Qualification: Professional Event /No Previous Garuda Experience Required

Price: £300

For further details email: info@thegaruda.net

Status: Spaces available

We are delighted to bring world renowned Madeline Black to London to join James D’Silva for two days of exploring, evolving and expanding your movement potential.

This is going to be a dynamic weekend of workshops. James D’Silva and Madeline Black are collaborating to create a movement experience exploring moving “off-centre” to find “centre”. The true nature of human movement is a dynamic equilibrium, how the body rights itself toward centre. Our potential lies in the exploration of the peripheral ranges where the centre changes, becoming off-centre, and then finding a new centre from which to move from.

On Saturday we will split up into equal groups, each half  will spend the morning with either Madeline or James. After a delicious and healthy inclusive lunch we will rotate. Sunday will culminate with Madeline & James co-hosting the workshop, bringing their different approaches to the table to explore and discuss. This is going to be a wonderful weekend of movement and exploration.

As as bonus we are to delighted to offer you a £50 voucher for any Garuda or Madeline Black’s Teacher Training at Garuda Studio. 


Saturday: Creating space within the body and how movement heals

9.30am Registration &  Refreshment

10am -1pm Workshop & Movement class

1pm – 2pm Healthy Salmon & Vegetarian option Lunch Served

2pm – 5pm Workshop & Movement class

James’ session will examine movement from the periphery to the centre, how it governs a healthy moving body and understanding how the centre changes from place to place in movement, whilst bringing in a strong concept of rooting and moving through the different joints. Learning how to work through injury to create a sense of awareness and confidence, with special attention to placement and breath thus creating healing in the body are also considered.

Session objectives

  • Learn how to root and move through the body as it comes in contact with any surface space.
  • Understanding the concept of spirals, coil, re-coil, and push & pull as we move.
  • Establish the concept of rolling through your joints.
  • Learn how to lean and grow into the space around you.
  • Establish how every joint creates a sense of centre, especially when you are off-centre for movement and movement patterns.
  • Create a simple movement to complex movement patterns.

Madeline’s session will focus on how we move off-centre, then through a centre in every step we take. Learn the skills of observing movement strategies through gait patterning and the influences of the diaphragms’ relationship to gravity. You will learn simple assessments identifying an individual’s habitual movement patterns, and the movement strategies that change patterns for better functional movement.

Session objectives

  • Learn and practice assessment skills for identifying gait patterns
  • Discover how the diaphragms are in relationship to one another in gravity
  • Learn and practice movement techniques for the lower limbs, improving function
  • Learn and practice movement techniques for lumbo-pelvic-shoulder girdle improving gait function

Sunday: Mind-Body Insync: New Movement Patterns (joint workshop)

9am Refreshment

9.30am – 3pm workshop & Movement class

A light refreshment selection of sandwiches,wraps & gluten free Ciabatta with salad will be served at the 11.15 break . We won’t break for a sit down lunch to enable an earlier finish time to aid return travel itineraries.

Madeline and James will conduct a joint workshop introducing the idea of leaning, falling, catching as concepts on creating space in the body. James and Madeline will also present how the use of straps and hands-on work guide the body into new movement patterns that ease or eliminate physical issues and improve overall strength.

Workshop Objectives

  • Learn how to use straps as a tool to facilitate functional and structural changes.
  • Learn to guide a client through movement sequences through tactile cueing with props, hands-on and verbal cues.
  • Understanding proprioception and interception and how to use it for practice.
  • Performing mind-body exercises for imprinting changes in the body.

This wonderful weekend of movement and exploration will take place on Saturday 29th September and Sunday 30th September 2018 at Crowne Plaza, London Docklands on the River Thames, with wonderful views out across the city and beautiful light rooms with river views. Costs are inclusive of a delicious and healthy lunch on both days of your attendance.



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“Just writing in to share how practising and teaching Garuda has helped both myself and my clients tremendously. It's been such a pleasure being able to do these virtual classes with James, Aimee and Juliana.”Dorothy Lee