Foundation matwork, dhara, seated and standing and Chakra workshop - The Garuda Studio

Foundation matwork, dhara, seated and standing and Chakra workshop with James D'Silva

Date: 23 Oct 2017 - 24 Oct 2017

Course: Foundation matwork, dhara, seated and standing and Chakra workshop

Venue: tc pilates

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

Join Gerusa Gurak in an all new foundation, dhara, seated and standing and Chakra workshop weekend in Brazil. 
8:00 am: Garuda Class
9:30 am to 12:30 pm Workshop: Foundation
1:30 pm  Garuda Dhara Class
3 pm to 6 pm Workshop: Garuda Dhara
8h: Garuda Class
9:30  am to 12:30 pm  Workshop: Seated and Standing
1:30 pm  Garuda Chakra Class
3 pm to 6 pm Workshop: Garuda Chakra

Request Application Details

“There is no way any aspect of my current life would be possible without the range of movement, the body confidence and the joy of figuring out my personal ways of physical wellbeing without Garuda. I am partly who I am today because of this holistic approach to me and I would not change a thing.”Niina Kovalainen