Madeline Black’s Immersive Body Training - The Garuda Studio

Madeline Black’s Immersive Body Training with James D'Silva

Date: 2 Mar 2018 - 6 Mar 2018

Course: Madeline Black’s Immersive Body Training

Venue: Garuda Studios

Qualification: PMA

Price: £1400 - early bird discount £150 valid until 31st dec 2017

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

Daily: 11.00am/6.00pm

Black’s Immersive Body Training


The body moves in a predictably non-linear way. Madeline Black is developing a series of trainings to immerse the movement teacher into a highly focused and engaging experience to better understand these body movements and patterns. Madeline Black’s approach to training is an organic process focused on precision and highly tuned movement techniques.  The “Immersive” trainings are for experts in movement looking to advance their education, perception, intuition, and manual skills.  Madeline Black escorts each participant through personal feedback on the process of working with the body. She customizes each segment to match the needs and energy of the participants which provides a unique experience for each instructor.

Teachers are welcome to attend individual segments or the series in any order.

Gather: (Intensive 1) is patterned after the format of Madeline Black’s book “Centered.” Beginning at the feet and moving through the body with an eye toward whole body movement integration, Madeline creates a comprehensive course.  See below for detailed outline of this segment of the trainings:

Encompass: Circles around exploring the various possibilities of movement choices to effectively create session-changing movement patterns and habits. Encompass will cover the Gather practice and expand on those techniques with advanced movement patterns..

  • Immerse yourself in an educational experience that is palpable and immediately     useful
  • Improve your eye for identifying movement patterns
  • Understand the design of human movement in all aspects of the body, musculoskeletal, fascial, organs, fluids and more
  • Experience new techniques featured in “Immersive”
  • Confirm your touch and movement guidance
  • Improve your capabilities as a movement specialist
  • Begin to see your clients in a whole body way, addressing their needs that create change in the body immediately
  • Advance your teaching to a higher level of skill
  • Expand your intuitive gift, we all have them!
  • PMA CEC’s


Gather Day by Day

Day 1: Introduction of philosophy and movement theory approach, movement analysis to include gait patterning, movement of the ankle/feet and influence to the pelvis and spine

Day 2: Balancing and restoring function through movement for the feet and pelvis

Day 3: Trunk techniques focusing on the deep anterior spine, diaphragms and spine movement.

Day 4: Shoulder girdle dysfunction and function, relationship of the spine/ribs to the shoulder and neck

Day 5: Working whole body session

Encompass Day by Day

Day 1: Observing and feeling movement patterns, preferred and non-preferred, where to begin, assessment skills

Day 2: Spine focus, movement techniques

Day 3: Where is it coming from? Feet, shoulder or diaphragm, discovering if there is a key to unlock a pattern

Day 4: Four hour day with the intention of practice and dialogue

Day 5: Four hour day for continued practice with a session format



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“Garuda combines the intelligence of Feldenkrais with the energy of Pilates and Yoga. Garuda is just that for me! It’s clever and has a lovely energy. It feels delicious.”Katharina Hesse