Garuda Seated & Standing - The Garuda Studio

Garuda Seated & Standing with James D'Silva

Date: 14 Aug 2017 - 19 Aug 2017

Course: Garuda Seated & Standing

Venue: Stockholm Pilates Center Surbrunnsgatan 44A

Price: £999

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

This course combines the seated & standing syllabuses in one intensive program,  focusing on strength, stability, balance and joint mobility. The movements heal & rejuvenate, working intensely within the fascia lines of the body. At the same time the limbs are constantly challenged through functional training, complex moves committing the core to supporting the frame.

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“Just writing in to share how practising and teaching Garuda has helped both myself and my clients tremendously. It's been such a pleasure being able to do these virtual classes with James, Aimee and Juliana.”Dorothy Lee