Garuda Matwork Foundation - The Garuda Studio

Garuda Matwork Foundation with James D'Silva

Date: 6 Feb 2015 - 6 Feb 2016

Course: Garuda Matwork Foundation

Venue: Stockholm Pilates Center Surbrunnsgatan 44A, Sweden

Price: 12 000 SEK

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

Garuda Matwork Foundation is a Pilates-based system that builds gradually from the micro to the macro. Here movements start first by isolating individual muscles, then move on to the myofascial lines they belong to. This gradual formulaic approach makes it especially effective for people with dysfunction or imbalances.

Price: 12 000 SEK

Date:5/2-7/2, 26/2-28/2 2016

Friday 13:00-17:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00-14:00

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“I’ve just finished the seated standing course and am rejoicing in the wonderful feeling of inhabiting my body as if I’ve moved through to a different sense of being alive. This feeling (inadequately described) only comes to me from Garuda. It is ridiculous to say 'thank you' as one would politely say if a door were being held open, but perhaps that is the best analogy. With gratitude. ”Janet Cook