Garuda Bootcamp This December 2014 - The Garuda Studio

Garuda Bootcamp This December 2014 with James D'Silva

Date: 15 Dec 2014 - 20 Dec 2014

Course: Garuda Bootcamp This December 2014

Venue: Garuda Studio

Price: 1200

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

Following the great success of our last Garuda Bootcamp, we have decided to schedule the next one this December 2014.

Like before the Bootcamp will compromise of Garuda Matwork, Garuda Apparatus and workshops in the afternoon by Swami Ambika.

Please note the size of the workshop is limited to 10 students!

The program time will be announced soon.

Date: 15th – 19th December (Monday – Friday)

Cost: £1200

Venue: Garuda Studio, London



If you would like to be a part of just Swami’s workshops please contact the studio mentioning the same too.

For a sneak peak into the details of the workshop (4 sessions of 2 hours each):

Day 1 ~ Breathwork  ~ Breath and exercise and movement. Looking at the physiology of breathing and how we relate this to movement and exercise.

Day 2 ~ Breathwork and the Stillpoint ~ Breath is the bridge between movement and stillness. Finding that stillpoint in breath calms mind and body.

Day 3 ~ Meditation 1  ~ Research on meditation: what it does and how it does it. In 2011 in the USA alone there were 149 government funded research projects into the benefits of meditation. We will look at the outcomes of some meta analysis of these studies.

Day 4 ~ Meditation 2 ~ The difference between open awareness techniques (vipassana, mindfulness) and directed awareness techniques (TM, Yoga Dhyanam, Laya).

All days will have a strong practical and participatory element alongside the theory and information.

Date: 15th – 18th December (Monday – Thursday)

Time: 3:30pm – 5:30pm

Cost: £250


We look forward to your participation!

For further information please email


Request Application Details

“Obsessed!! Will be back for more training and classes!”Shana Simmons