Garuda Teacher Training with James in Edmonton, Canada - The Garuda Studio

Garuda Teacher Training with James in Edmonton, Canada with James D'Silva

Date: 12 Aug 2014 - 19 Aug 2014

Course: Garuda Teacher Training with James in Edmonton, Canada

Venue: Edmonton, Canada

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

Garuda draws its influence from Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi and Dance, amalgamating different types of movement into a vast yet cohesive repertoire, complete with a unified philosophy and defined set of principles.  We’ve developed comprehensive  syllabuses to challenge practitioners to take their practice to a whole new level.  All classes have a definite rhythm and flow, working on mindfully increasing strength, flexibility, coordination and endurance.

For further information, please click GarudaJamesInCanada

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“There is no way any aspect of my current life would be possible without the range of movement, the body confidence and the joy of figuring out my personal ways of physical wellbeing without Garuda. I am partly who I am today because of this holistic approach to me and I would not change a thing.”Niina Kovalainen