- The Garuda Studio

Apparatus Series 1 with James D'Silva and Rebecca Mottin

Date: 23 Jul 2024 - 28 Jul 2024

Course: Apparatus Series 1

Venue: The Garuda Studio, London NW8 6ES

For further details email: info@thegaruda.net

Status: Spaces available

Following on from Garuda Apparatus A and Garuda Apparatus B, Garuda Apparatus Series 1 brings in box-work, coupled in with spring and strap work. The client is challenged with long lever and complex movement patterns. This series works towards the athletic body.

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“Garuda combines the intelligence of Feldenkrais with the energy of Pilates and Yoga. Garuda is just that for me! It’s clever and has a lovely energy. It feels delicious.”Katharina Hesse