Visiting our London Studio - The Garuda Studio

Get in touch

The Garuda Studio, 26-28 Finchley Road, London, NW8 6ES

+44 (0)207 483 4644

You can also download the Mindbody app, available via the App Store or iOS.

Visiting our London Studio

By public transport
If you are travelling by tube, take the Jubilee Line to St John’s Wood station. When you exit the station turn right and walk up Finchley Road for 2 minutes.

Bus numbers 82, 13, 46, 113 and 187 all travel along Finchley Road. Bus numbers 139 and 189 travel along Abbey Road with the bus stop at the end of Grove End Road, a five minute walk to the Studio.

By car
We are very lucky to have Westminster C zone parking spaces available in Marborough Hill, Queensgrove and Ordinance Hill and Camden CAJ parking in Queensgrove, Woronzow Road and Norfolk Road.

There is metered street parking in Queens Grove and local side streets. There is also a car park nearby at Q-Park, Kingsmill Terrace, London NW8 6AA.

“James is the only person in the entire world whom I would take any form of teacher training with, and I have known this for years!”Karen Rose