Academy - The Garuda Studio

Our Training Programmes

Garuda is a holistic, organic approach to movement which concentrates on rhythm and flow. It has the clarity and mindfulness of Pilates as its core, the economy of form of Alexander Technique, the self-perception of Feldenkrais, the spirituality of yoga and the joy of dance.

We believe that training at Garuda is a lifelong voyage of discovery. What starts as a training course ends up as a journey of investigation, thus training our teachers to think “outside the box” We educate, nourish, and instigate a sense of learning and confidence. Our repertoire is vast and concentrates on functionality, rejuvenation and healing. We have devised modules to take our participants, through different levels to create a sense of expertise and care.

We pride our teachers on who they become, as they are our ambassadors.
All our courses are recognised by the Pilates Method Alliance for Continuing Education Credits.
For more information on how to become a Garuda Teacher, please read our latest blog here

“James is such an enlightened teacher.  I loved the course and hearing his constant words of wisdom.”Sharon Aloni