Disadvantages of Pilates & How to Overcome Them with Garuda | Garuda

August 20, 2020

Disadvantages of Pilates & How to Overcome Them with Garuda

As fitness professionals, we are constantly re-evaluating our practice to ensure that it is bringing us the best possible results, both physically and mentally. 

This approach is healthy and encouraged. For this reason, we have looked at some of the pros and cons of Pilates and how we have been able to incorporate or overcome them with the Garuda method. 

Advantages & Disadvantages of Pilates

Pilates is, of course, a wonderful practice. It provides you with improved flexibility, increased muscle strength, and improved posture. Plus, it is something that can be practised from anywhere, whether it be in the studio, at home or even at work during your break.

But there are a few limitations depending on what you are trying to achieve with your fitness regime or goals. That is to say, that some of the “disadvantages” might not apply to everyone. Let’s take a few examples. 

If your goal is to gain muscle mass quickly, then practising Pilates regularly may not be the right method for you, as it is based more on building core strength, flexibility and balance. It is something that, in the long run, helps you get steadily stronger and healthier. 

Secondly, Pilates exercises are not as focused on quick fat loss and calorie burning like other high-intensity exercises. If this is important to you, then you will need to incorporate other types of exercises into your weekly routine that focus more on cardio. 

Next, Pilates is often used for rehab purposes, as it can be easily altered to fit different fitness capabilities. However, you can’t create your own plan, as it is highly personalised. In order to get the most out of a rehab plan using Pilates, you will need to rely on and work with someone who is trained and who can tailor the plan to your needs. 

Finally, Pilates requires a lot of concentration and patience. Some people enjoy forms of exercise that focus on the body only, but Pilates targets mental wellbeing as well as physical. This means that sometimes, it can seem slow and even repetitive if you are not used to it. Therefore, anyone who wants to practise Pilates regularly will need to be open to this in order to get the most out of it. 

Advantages of Garuda

Now that we understand a bit more about the pros and cons of Pilates, we can take a closer look at how the Garuda method works and how it can overcome some of the limitations we’ve outlined. 

In summary, we’ve managed to make the best of Pilates by combining it with other practices. Garuda uses movement rooted in yoga, Pilates and dance to help you create greater ease of movement. It has all the benefits of a cardiovascular workout while stretching the mind and the body. 

Plus, the Garuda Method switches things up and introduces a lot of carefully designed equipment to keep routines and exercises effective, engaging and enjoyable. For example, our Garuda Apparatus classes are designed to give you a full-body workout while keeping you connected to your breath, which provides that wonderful and nourishing mental aspect.

Plus, while Pilates is very rigid and precise, Garuda is fluid and intuitive. The way you move using the Garuda method makes sense, as the movements are designed around how your body was meant to move and not how we think it should move. 

Finally, we take great care in tailoring everything we do to different fitness levels and capabilities. There is no one size fits all and our teachers are trained in helping you understand how you can keep your body lean and healthy without the risk of injury.

Is Pilates Good or Bad for you?

Pilates is an effective and enjoyable form of exercise, but approaching it using the Garuda method is the “ultimate effective body conditioning” option. It will bring your mind back into exercise while making you the leanest and most flexible you have ever been. 

Therefore, if you love Pilates, but want to take it one step further, we recommend trying a live online Garuda class

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“Obsessed!! Will be back for more training and classes!”Shana Simmons